Madjoes 75g reef

this was my labouti for 2.5 months after a brutal attack by my solarius wrasse. it was a hard thing to watch. thought he was a gonner.
but now he is back swimming and eating gaining his weight back his lip little messed up like he had a stroke. and his swimming isnt as graceful but he is alive and eating so im thankful for that and he still seems happy and comes to my hand when i feed what more can u ask for right . i mean whos heard of a fish being upside down for 2.5 months and surviving
Video was old video my first male flame and scotts and solarious gone. This is my tank and rock and sand that has been treated with copper twice in past with no change of sand or rock or eqiupment unless i upgraded equipment :). so to the ones say it cant be done heres proof sps dominated 75g with some of the easiest cheapest equipment advailable most from ebay lol