Madjoes 75g reef

how much do you dose joe? whats controlling the dosers? I was finding when i had mine running for 1 min every hour the ends would caked with precipitate and clog every couple months, i'm wondering if i ran them more this would happen less.
how much do you dose joe? whats controlling the dosers? I was finding when i had mine running for 1 min every hour the ends would caked with precipitate and clog every couple months, i'm wondering if i ran them more this would happen less.
Im still fine tuning em just set up sat or sunday. So far im at 105 minutes i have timers controlling em for now thinkibg of getting reef keeper lite to do them and my lights. Right now cal starts 11am off 1130 alk starts 12noon to 1230 then cal 1 to 130 alk 2 to 230 cal 3 to 330 alk 4 to 430 cal 5 to 515 alk 6 to 615. I did that cause its when my lights r on figured thats corals growing points. I can be totally wrong though i know nothing about dosing all new to me and obviouslly had to actually test now lol. Luckly bryan aka bryman has been a huge help and i owe him til eternity .
Joe, if you need help figuring out how to run the dosers, I can show you how. Once you learn, it's easy. :)
I figured out how to run there running now just fine tuning the doseage so the parameters r all good

Yup, that's what I mean. ;)

There's a pretty easy mathematical way to keep your tanks parameters constant wherever you want them, but it requires testing (gasp) and not dosing your tank at all for a few days. My way is pretty much a simple version of the German Balling method.
Yup, that's what I mean. ;)

There's a pretty easy mathematical way to keep your tanks parameters constant wherever you want them, but it requires testing (gasp) and not dosing your tank at all for a few days. My way is pretty much a simple version of the German Balling method.

idk I think I will stay away from german balling don't sound like my thing
how much do you dose joe? whats controlling the dosers? I was finding when i had mine running for 1 min every hour the ends would caked with precipitate and clog every couple months, i'm wondering if i ran them more this would happen less.

Keep the alk tubing out of the water. The solution inside precipitates when in contact with the water. Use a holder to keep it out of the water and just dripping into the sump.
The calc tubing is fine in the water.
Keep the alk tubing out of the water. The solution inside precipitates when in contact with the water. Use a holder to keep it out of the water and just dripping into the sump.
The calc tubing is fine in the water.

I built a holder stays out of water unless power goes out or I turn sytem off for wc is that ok. also im doseing no 90 mines each 30min 3x a day should I do 15 min 6x a day or the three ok
ye I just love those randome modes I tried two on h1 but you know lol where you placed third on bottom somewhere?

I have two on one side away from over flow one on way and the one in front of tank on h1 to push the poop to the over flow. the other is on other side by over flow pointed on angle toward the other side. I will c how tank reacts so far so good. if not I will try dif modes