maxima clam


New member
hi guys my clam has been acting strange.. het open fully .. but he used to retract when you cover the lights or shadow him... not ne doesn't do that ... but he is open fully everyday.. is that normal or is he sick?
How long have you had him? Mine used to open and close every time a fish swam over it. It has chilled out now and isn't so skittish. I never noticed this until you brought it up. Maybe they just relax after a while...
My clam won't close until I am actually picking it up, so I think they just get used to their surroundings. At the LFS, people put their hands in the tanks all the time, things are added and removed, and people are always reaching over the lights, so they are constantly reacting. But in a controlled tank I think they know what is around them and know they aren't going to be harmed, so they don't respond anymore until physically touched.
My clam won't close until I am actually picking it up, so I think they just get used to their surroundings. At the LFS, people put their hands in the tanks all the time, things are added and removed, and people are always reaching over the lights, so they are constantly reacting. But in a controlled tank I think they know what is around them and know they aren't going to be harmed, so they don't respond anymore until physically touched.

mine did the samething.. at first it was very finicky.. but after a couple months in the tank and it getting used to me doing water changes and the fish moving all around it doesnt get finicky anymore. the only thing i would be concerned about if its not opening..then u have a problem.. but for now.. ur clam is fine..
ok kool .. I guess hes just comfy

thanks guys
I have had him for 1 1/2 years
I just noticed he dosent close as much as he used too
mine did the samething.. at first it was very finicky.. but after a couple months in the tank and it getting used to me doing water changes and the fish moving all around it doesnt get finicky anymore. the only thing i would be concerned about if its not opening..then u have a problem.. but for now.. ur clam is fine..

Do you feed him mysis or Krill ? was checking out a beautiful Blue one at the LFS last week and they seem preety cool
Do you feed him mysis or Krill ? was checking out a beautiful Blue one at the LFS last week and they seem preety cool

Tridanid clams are all filter feeders. They feed on plankton, but they rely heavily on zooxanthellae which is the algae in their mantles, or "fleshy part".

I'm not trying to sound like a jerk here, but before buying anything, please do some research on what you want. In this day and age, with all of our smart phones, there is no reason anyone can't look something up while in the store. I do it all the time.

This is a very difficult hobby even when you do research, so please take the time to learn about what these animals need prior to buying them. Save the animal distress, as well as your wallet.