Patrick Dunne "NEWSCHOOL04" is soooo generous to donate this very nice frag pack to the CR Community. I met Pat a couple of times and you can tell right of the bat that Pat is a knowledgeable, kind, and giving person so this giveaway is not surprising to me at all.
Whats included in this frag pack are frags of:
1. LPS - Pink hammer
2. LPS - Octo frogspawn LPS (I bought a frag and this frogspawn has insane bright green colors!)
3. SPS - TarDevil (Even nicer in person)
4. SPS - Red ink table
5. SPS - ORA green birdsnest
How to qualify!?!?
1. Post on this thread that you want this
2. Need 30 post
3. Check out Pat's tank write up found here
4. Leave a comment on this FEATURED TANK thread found here
And that's it!!! Drawing will take place May 31. Good luck everyone!