melting zoas

If you can get the zoos out of the tank and do the HP in a separate container. I wouldn't hesitate to do this. In the system-I'm not sure.
I have done HP dips many times to get rid of HA. It will work great with light byropsis, but not so great with the "out of control" byropsis. Be careful how long you leave them in the solution also. I forgot a frag once and left it in the cup for about an hour. It took about a day to completely melt... Since then, I won't leave them in it for more than 10-15 mins.

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Over the past week I have tried this HP dip on a few frags with a lot of success. I had a zoa colony in my quarantine tank which was covered with flat worms and bristle worms. I had never seen them do this kind of damage before, but one if not both of them were causing the zoa mat to break apart and the zoa's were dying. I let them soak in the HP mixture for 15 minutes and a number of flat worms died and bristle worms bubbled up and fizzed at the top of the solution. I’m watching the colony closely and I may give it another dip next week if it recovers well from this. The bristle worms are really susceptible to this treatment. I was amazed how quick they came out of the LR and floated up to the top and fizzed. 5 small ones, including one which had imbedded itself under the zoa’s floated up.

I have also used this on a few frags with different type of algae and it cleaned them up. The zoa’s are fully open and appear ok. I’m tempted to try with some sps but have not yet.
Thanks for you help. I have lost a few colony's in the past because of algae. Sometimes when it gets rooted in the colony it's almost impossible to scrub and remove it without killing the colony. This treatment has worked great so far. I have some Joker Paly's that are coming back after weeks of scrubbing with my finger and a soft brislte tooth brush trying to get the algae out.