Michigan Coral Expo & Frag Swap (Lansing, Michigan) - January 28, 2018


10K / Kessil LED
Acrylic Creations
AZNnutty Saltwater Connections
Blue Line Coral
Booyah's Clownfish
Cherry Corals
CJ Corals
Coral Addict
Dirk's Dry Goods
Eye Candy Coral
Fez 1984
Frag Creations
Fraggle Reef
Fritz Aquatics
Insane Coral
Jason Fox Signature Corals
jduck / TB320
Josh Raymo
Just Pretty Coral
Kingpin Corals
Kody LaPoint
LaBo's Aquatics
Liberty Corals
Mermaid's Cove
Mike's Phyto
Mistress Corals
Motor City Corals
MT Reefs
NY Coral King
Pacific East Aquaculture
Phantom Reefing
Premium Polyps
Reef Deep
Reefer Madness
Robust Reefs
Ron Balogna
Ryti Reefs
Serenade Corals
Spike's Corals
Summit City Coral
Sunset Corals
Supreme Reefs
Sweet Frag
The Elemental Reef
The Zoanthid Garden
Underwater Gardeners
Utimate Coral
West Mariculture
Wise Coral
This Year We are Expanding.

We have Increased the Floor Space by 30% Making this Already Large Event Even Bigger !!!!!!!!

There Will Be 75 Tables This Year (20 More than Last Year's 55 Tables) :)
Last edited:
The Michigan Coral Expo & Frag Swap (Lansing, Michigan) is just 2 Weeks Away !!!!!!!!

Don't Forget to Request the Day off Work if You Work Weekends :)

Sunday, January 28
The Michigan Coral Expo & Frag Swap (Lansing, Michigan) is just 1 Week Away !!!!!!!!

Invite all of Your Reefing Friends :)

Sunday, January 28
The Michigan Coral Expo & Frag Swap (Lansing, Michigan) is just 5 Days Away !!!!!!!!

Invite all of Your Reefing Friends :)

Sunday, January 28
Updated Vendor Map (Some Vendors have been Moved to Different Locations from the Older Map)

Here is the Schedule for the Michigan Coral Expo & Frag Swap:

10:00: Admission for morning speaker (Rick Preuss) **space is limited**
10:30-11:30: Morning Speaker Session
11:30-12:00: early exhibition hall admission for morning speaker attendees
12:00: doors open to exhibition hall for general admission
3:00 raffle starts
4:30 end

A few swap tips for newbies and veterans....
1. Don't forget cash. Some vendors will take cards, but others are cash only. There is an ATM in the hotel.
2. Doors open at 12:00 to the general public.
3. Morning Speaker (Rick Preuss) starts at 10:30. Arrive early for a seat.
4. Raffles starts at 3:10. Everyone gets 10 tickets with a paid admission. You will need to be present to win most items.
5. Be conscious of how much time you take talking to a vendor if what your discussing doesn't involve buying something . Vendors are very helpful and knowledgable and most will try to help you, but please beware of the fact that vendors are there to sell and not to explain how to rid your tank of nuisance algae (for example). Go to CaptiveReefs.com for these discussions. :)
Had a Great Time at the Michigan Coral Expo & Frag Swap !!!!

Big Thanks to Jim for Putting on the Swap and Everyone Else that Helped Out.

Can't Wait for It Again Next Year :)