Mini Maxi Spawning


New member
I had a terrible accident Sunday. One of my small BTA's attached itself to my Hydor Pico pump and was sucked in. This happened when I was away from home and the mess almost killed my other BTA's in the tank, but after changing out about 45g's of water in the 29g tank, everything is back to normal now. Or, so I thought.
My water looked a little cloudy before I left for work yesterday, so I sat down to check it out. My Mini Maxi started spawning right then! Apparently, he keeps spawning...

Will this harm my BTA's?

Yes, I added fresh carbon after the w/c's. The water isn't clearing, so, I'm doing A w/c today. I wish I had another tank for them, but 4 is taking up too much space and I can't afford a 5th anyway.
