Here are some of the specials for you CRs! we will honor prices most of the weekend but must mention!
New Life Spectrum Marine Formula 300g $12
Spirulina Flake Food 1oz$3 2oz$5
Aquavitro Salinity 225 Gallon Salt Bucket $75
Reef Crystals 200 Gallon Salt Mix $44ea. 2+ $42ea
Lugols Solution 1oz $10
Hikari Bio-Pure Mysis Shrimp 8oz(two resealable flat packs) $7.50
Real Reef Rock Shelf $4.50/lb
Caribsea Live Sand 20lb Reef Sand, Fiji Pink, or Bimi Pink. $22ea
5" Bariene Tang $125
Ironman Mushrooms $25ea
Mexican Turbo Snails $1.45ea
Margarita Snails $1each or 10 for $8
Astrea Snails 10 for $10
Harlequin Shrimp $25
All Corals and Fish not already on sale will be 15%OFF for CRs(must mention)