Leaving the RO/DI unit on............... multiple times.
I have about ten towels on standby for this reason. I always forget
Leaving the RO/DI unit on............... multiple times.
I have you all beat! ETR..... no comments here....
I let my wife take care of my tank!!!!!![]()
Leaving the RO/DI unit on............... multiple times.
Do I go into detail about how I electrocuted myself twice the night I set up my 75 gallon with overflow box mishaps? How I managed to electrocute my arm by resting it on a light? Or one of the seven other times I electrocuted myself with that tank? Nah, that's not important. What about the time I knocked the hose off of my return pump, frying my camera I was using to take sump pictures? Nope, too costly to reminisce over. What about me having so much weight in my bedroom that floor started creaking in a ten year old house? Nah, I fixed that. Or the countless times I dropped a coral and almost shattered my glass in the ensuing rock slides? Nope, the glass never did shatter. What about the time that my brother drained a ten gallon tank of top off through my the floor and out of the ceiling when I was out of town? Or the two times that I forgot I was filling a bucket in the laundry room, as I too made it rain? Or how I incorrectly plumbed my RO unit and almost made my house's plumbing explode? Or the time I stung myself with a bristle worm and lost all sensation in my hand for a day? Or how I figured out that my light fixtures and tank's water form a complete circuit and shocked myself twice in five minutes, and then another three times the next day? How about the time that I was fragging some of my zoas, and one of them shot water over my safety goggles and into my eye, forcing me to spend the next 15 minutes in the bathroom washing out my eye? Nah, I don't want to bore you all.
Myyyyy goodness and you still have a tank
correct me if i am wrong, you are not married are you ? lol wifeys cant bear these many mishapsLOL
I have these all over
Oh yea , I went out one weekend and my wife dosed copper instead of A&B in my reef. Needless to say it was a disasterI have you all beat! ETR..... no comments here....
I let my wife take care of my tank!!!!!![]()
Oh yea , I went out one weekend and my wife dosed copper instead of A&B in my reef. Needless to say it was a disaster