Mj's hopefully final build 180gal reef

Well after work today will be day two of wireing the tank.dam is it alot of work to make wires look semi neat. All the mp pumps r in place the plumbing is all done besides the spray bar for the fuge i have it at work today to drill it . Float switches r siliconed to the sump hopefully in right spot. Will be installing dosing pumps today after i build the support for them its amazing even on a six foot stand u run out of room. Im waiting on a longer eithernet cable to connect apex to the computer then i gotta find somebody that knows how to hook it up and set it up lol and hopefully this weekend i can build canopy mount lights . After that the filling begins
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Actually when its hard wired like you are doing its incredibly easy to set up. I'm more of "if it can't be hit with a hammer than I have no business near it" type guy and I was able to set mine up.

It's looking good.
Thanks so i did make a tiny mistake i didnt notice gate valves have a directional arrow well i put 3 backwards idk if it really matters least i hope not lol

It's not gonna affect anything. You just won't turn it clockwise to shut it. You'll be turning it counter clockwise.
Well got almost everything wired still gotta do the apex but reef keeper is up and ready to fire the tank up once its filled. I picked up more wood for my canopy will be starting it tomorrow once that is hanging i will start filling . Cant wait i think this is the longest it took me ever to do a build
Well feel like crap today but I managed to build the canopy after work . Gotta tweak the brackets a bit for smoother operation but canopy it self is done besides painting and staining
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Well the filling has begun with my self filling station might take few days lol.

Got stain on canopy next is paint once stain dries prob tomorrow.