Mj's hopefully final build 180gal reef

Well little update . Good news tank is still up bad news well i dosed prazi pro and it killed all my pods and maybe good bacteria pods for sure they gone lol and that caused huge ammonia spike as donald trump would say "HUGE" so bad that i caught a fish i was giving away and put him in sump for safe keeping and well it was more like i put him in the gas chamber next day upside down good news fish survived and now in his new home took two days to recover but he did . Dosing prime and stability right now running arse load of carbon and did three "HUGE" water changes waiting on some stuff i ordered but for now its keeping the fish alive and happy and eating. Filter socks only lasting about two days lol . Well its a bumb in road a man made one. Ive dosed prazi before with no issues i do know it kills some pods and what not my guess was tank is to new to handle the die off from prazi oooops lesson learned. Was running great til i dosed too lol next day poof wasnt
Well little update . Good news tank is still up bad news well i dosed prazi pro and it killed all my pods and maybe good bacteria pods for sure they gone lol and that caused huge ammonia spike as donald trump would say "HUGE" so bad that i caught a fish i was giving away and put him in sump for safe keeping and well it was more like i put him in the gas chamber next day upside down good news fish survived and now in his new home took two days to recover but he did . Dosing prime and stability right now running arse load of carbon and did three "HUGE" water changes waiting on some stuff i ordered but for now its keeping the fish alive and happy and eating. Filter socks only lasting about two days lol . Well its a bumb in road a man made one. Ive dosed prazi before with no issues i do know it kills some pods and what not my guess was tank is to new to handle the die off from prazi oooops lesson learned. Was running great til i dosed too lol next day poof wasnt

Good to hear it recovered I got to get out there towards ya and see this beast in person
Added few test dummy sps frags and chalice and monti. Test dummies r jason fox flame , sotr millie , grafted starburst monti and pink boobies chalice lets see if they die hahahahah
Well test dummies came out of tank had another ammonia spike ugh anyways. Put the final touches on the canopy now it looks like matching set
Well finally got few corals in and some star fish . Now time to do what i love to make u guys do cringe . The reason took so long to get corals in was my fish got velvet while in holding and instead of losing fish i coppered the tank . While coppered i figured it was perfect time to add fish was going great until i added prazi pro . As soon as i added prazi i had huge pod die off that spiked my ammonia to the point that my fuge became a gas chamber oops . Any way added dr tims and ammonia remover and levels got back to norm after few weeks . Then started pulling out copper with cuprisorb and carbon plus water changes every few days that takes about a month to get down to undectable . Then tested few corals first go round didnt go well but wasnt copper issue was nutrient issue now clam and inverts doing good and some corals all doing good