Moorish Idols


New member
My lfs has a couple of awesome Moorish Idols and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with them in a reef tank? He says he has a couple of customers that keep them in their reef tanks without an issue. So I would appreciate any input.
Extremely, extremely low success rate in captivity. Folks never get them to eat or stay eating. Gus, don't do it. :dong:
I have recently been in contact with a guy that has 3moorish idols in his ''reef pool'',he has had them for ~3years,and i asked what the ''secret'' to keeping them Fat and healthy is,His answer was lots of swimming room and natural food source,he has alot of sponges growing all over the place and they do eat flakes/pellets/some blood worms.I think in my 5ft tank,a single moorish idol might not be too happy for long-term unless it's super tiny.They DO nip at zoas,lps and HAIRY SPS.But in his 8ftx4ft x1ft tub,all his corals are mature and their ''nipping'' is harmless.This is the only real insight i have on these wonderful fish.In my opinion,i think we here as dedicated hobbyists might have a better chance at keeping one alive longer than a joe-schmoe that walks into a LFS and buys it cause it looks cool.Just my $.02.
I've had my Moorish Idol for a couple years now. Eats everything from pellets to flake to rods and picks at the Nori all day. I know they do need alot of room to not feel threatend and get stressed out.
almost picked up one of these guys store had about six of them big and fat passed for a long awaited home coming for my red tail wrasse male