More RC drama

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I know I posted early in this thread cuz it was a good way to vent the frustration felt when banned from a site that I had really liked. Hopefully, once people have had the same chance to vent, they will move on and take Pufferpunk's advice...

While only here a short time, have found the people to be very helpful and good natured...and view the RC ban as a blessing as I would not have been looking for another site.
Haha funny Paul. :D

Glad you know I was just funnin.

I left the house thinking,I hope Smitty didn't take me serious,but you did make me laugh:D

I heard what you were saying,although I'm not a fan of locking threads,just because.

A few years back a guy got kicked off a boating forum I frequented.
He was from Chicago,and decided to create his own website. He called me and asked me to be a Moderator,and I agreed.

Soon I found out his true reason for starting his own forum was to bash the other site ,with a vengence.(not that that is the intention here)
He would actually go out of his way and asked the new members to feel free to bash the $*** out of the other place too.
After I asked the owner to please just lets move on,he didn't and so I did.

I laughed when you mentioned about the spys,because thats exactly what was happening with these 2 websites,and it brought back alot of funny stuff that was happening. Eventually,the 2nd site went down.

So here is my take:
I look at these forums like road construction,I won't let it wreck my day,instead 'I'll just take another route to get to my destination.

Sorry for being so winded.
Happy reefing Smitty;)
Lol!!! Let's just forget about all this and move on instead of bashing them and try to make them look bad let's become a friendly online community and show them we are best :-) lol
Lol!!! Let's just forget about all this and move on instead of bashing them and try to make them look bad let's become a friendly online community and show them we are best :-) lol

I am not here to bash anyone, or try to make anyone look bad.
What do you guys say...lets put RC in the past and concentrate on building our own community here....GROUP HUG!!!:o
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