More Rock Nem Babies


Well a few days after MJ's post my little sister saw my tank for the first time and pointed out the "cool little babies"......I had no idea what she was talking about, so I documented this for myself and thought I'd share and see how many survive. And yes my i-phone skills are sub par. My question to you with any experience in keeping these little things alive is should I keep them in a Rubbermaid inside the tank to keep snails and hermits away? They seem to be doing pretty well.

Yellow circles are ones that are colored up nice bright red. #1 has attached to an ugly nem I don't like, so i hope the babies blew by it because that's the way the current comes from the red and greenish nem. #5 is in a small colony of crappy green zoas, thought that was funny
Red circles are white and gray nems, 1 and 3 show what they look like now, the others are hiding because I knocked a snail out of the way.

I hope mom and dad are the last few pics and get something besides possibly 13 red nems. There could be more but I stopped looking.

Pics are from right now.

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Very cool. They don't reproduce by splitting huh?

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Nope its pretty cool, apparently they reproduce sexually as apposed to splitting like a BTA. Though all the colored up are red, the ones not colored up yet could become a completely different color and pattern.

Counted 15 today