Moving out my tank


Premium member
Hi i got my new nano fusion 20 gl cycled 2 months ago, no diatoms, ammonia 0 , nitri
0 , nitra 0 so everything ok ' but next week i gonna move to my new house, so
My question is do i keep the same sand or do i need to changed ? I got 10 lbs of Aragonite live sand from Caribsea or just put it inside again?

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it being such a small tank I would just drain it to the sand lvl and carry it put the door like so. fish in a bucket. bring 10 gallons of old water with to put back and a new 10 gallons to put in. you can keep the fish in a bucket up to 6 hours if well aerated. when you go to put the water back In the tank put a plastic bag down and slowing pour the water on the bag so it doesn't stir the sand up. wait for it to clear up reasonably to re acclimate the fish. also keep small heater with fish while in bucket while doing all this.

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it being such a small tank I would just drain it to the sand lvl and carry it put the door like so. fish in a bucket. bring 10 gallons of old water with to put back and a new 10 gallons to put in. you can keep the fish in a bucket up to 6 hours if well aerated. when you go to put the water back In the tank put a plastic bag down and slowing pour the water on the bag so it doesn't stir the sand up. wait for it to clear up reasonably to re acclimate the fish. also keep small heater with fish while in bucket while doing all this.

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Thanks i was a confused if washed the sand or change it, but his you said your drained up

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I suppose the bucket with 10 gl of water the rocks goes there right ?

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I wouldn't wash. just my opinion is that if you wash it you would clean all the good bacteria out of the sand. if it was 4 plus years old then it would be an opportunity to clean it but this case it doesn't sound like it's a big deal

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I wouldn't wash. just my opinion is that if you wash it you would clean all the good bacteria out of the sand. if it was 4 plus years old then it would be an opportunity to clean it but this case it doesn't sound like it's a big deal

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I agree. Keep the same sand. Rock and sand can go into the same bucket.