Tank looks really nice.
What kind of led lights are you running?
I want to add more fish but I've had such bad luck with them...In the course of a year I've had a crypt outbreak and a jumper.
Current stock is 2 b/g chromis, perc clown, 2 engineer gobies, diamond goby, yellow watchman goby, black/gold chromis.
Sounds like you need to setup a QT system!
Had a QT but was/is too late. I'm sure the crypt is living on all fishes...and unless I can go fallow I wont ever get rid of it...to go fallow means i need to catch all my fishes including my elusive gobies...which believe me I tried...for about 2 weeks...not gonna happen.
Get a large diameter plastic hose and suck him out? lol I dno if that would be in human or not