My 30 Deep Blue Tank build and transfer..

How did I over look this build thread!! I see you have more room underneath to move around when needed now vs your other stand.. What kind of fish will you be going with this time?

Also didn’t see a list of equipment for this build :top:

Tagging along
I really like the rock scape, plenty of room for acros ;)

Eric, Thanks..

How did I over look this build thread!! I see you have more room underneath to move around when needed now vs your other stand.. What kind of fish will you be going with this time?

Also didn’t see a list of equipment for this build :top:

Tagging along

- Tunze 1073 Return Pump (This is lovely pump, strong and quiet).
- 120 Dimmable Leds Fixture with 60 degree optics will change to 120 degree optic)
- Topfin 120 watt Heater
- Reepkeeper Lite Basic.
- 20 gallon high DIY sum
- Magic Magin 3 dosers for 3 parts or may be KALK topoff (let see)

Now I go with this Rock Scape..:)

Thank you all...
Mai! You found the tank!

I'll have to swing by and check it out soon! Looks awesome already and you haven't even stocked it yet!
now for the waiting game... looks good man

Thanks Glenn..

Mai! You found the tank!

I'll have to swing by and check it out soon! Looks awesome already and you haven't even stocked it yet!

Yes found the tank, need to be quick otherwise my wife change her mind don't let me, he he.
I want to start from fresh so no stock yet..Stop by anytime when you free..:)
Mai! You found the tank!

I'll have to swing by and check it out soon! Looks awesome already and you haven't even stocked it yet!

Nice I like these types of tanks . I like the idea of the cover too!

Looks great, Mai. Looking forward to pics after stocking it

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Thank you all..

Can't wait for stocks in..No patient so I have to put one big fish in..
