I started to move some of my Euphyllia out and move in some SPS... I think my system has been established enough to start housing some Cool SPS... But right as I started to add them my Bubble Magus dosere crapped out on my and now I am waiting for a new one to arrive. But here is an updated Tank shot for now.. Now the best shot but I'll get an updated one shortly
Well here is another Update, everything has been going so well for the most part, I am dosing about 15 mL of Alk daily and and about 10ML of CAL daily, it's been keeping my level very stable and my SPS have started to take off. I will be moving out some of my LPS to make room for some new SPS in the future which I am sure it will demand for more CAL and ALK,
Alk it at a steady 7dkh
Cal is at a steady 440ppm
MAG- Not tested but I dose every other day or every 3 days depending on my time using Tech M by Kent marine manually.
I am also using Fusion 1 and 2 for Cal and Alk dosing on a Bubble Magus Doser pump, here is another Full Tank shot and some SPS that I have picked up along the way