My Clowns


New member
I've been wanting to show my beautiful Black and White Clowns that I bought from Scott "fastrc." Here they are in my nano:
Dang i produce some beautiful clownfish lol. I got home tonight after big storm,no power,had to scramble setting up generator. Doing some close looking into clown tanks i found a couple large sets of eggs in them. Got rotifiers going to feed them hope they do good. I luv my B&W clowns the best, I have 4 pairs of B&W breeders that i keep.I also have 2 sets of Picasso,s, 2 sets of snowflakes and 6 sets of ocellaris.Glad your happy with them and they look fat and healthy!
Scott's "fastrc" B&W clowns are very nice, he sold me ones that are really black and white, non of that black and white with orange face type, which is usually what I see at alot of local fish stores.
Yea, I can see they are truely B&W. Lot's of places are trying to pass off the orange/brown face ones...they're just not the same. These guys look great!

Scott's "fastrc" B&W clowns are very nice, he sold me ones that are really black and white, non of that black and white with orange face type, which is usually what I see at alot of local fish stores.