My cuttlefish


Active member
Well i have the nano back up and running and this time i ended up with a pair of cuttlefish,they're about an inch long each and are very personable little guys.I'll see if they will eat later in the day.Here's a couple pics to get started:

Ohhhhhhh,aahhhhhh is that our new home?:

Feed me:
arent those supposed to be really smart?
grats and good luck on the really cool, and pretty unique livestock.
Jeni,they eat live mysis,freshwater ghost and frozen krill,they are the neatest thinngs i've ever kept in this hobby to date.
Are they hard to care for? How much are they? How hard are they to find? Are they delicate with water params?

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Yes not too expensive and yes water quality is the biggest issue.I will be doing 2water changes a week.
ya. haha we were bought out and given notice at work, so motivation is in the crapper.

Sorry to hear that Eric. :(

If anyone gets the chance to check out cuttlefish at an aquarium, there are really cool. They all "face" the same way in the tank. And if you wave, they wave back. Eerie! lol