My DIY Macro Algae Reactor

Don't have either...I feel like no need for one with my setup..just a 34g deep blue

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Idk id feel like on a smaller tank id want one more as things go bad faster on a smaller tank thats just me
Idk id feel like on a smaller tank id want one more as things go bad faster on a smaller tank thats just me
Yea I kinda feel that way sometimes but I mean I have my DC pump, my jabeo pp4, and a skimmer ...would I really need a apex or reefkeeper for 3 things lol

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i do a tbsp per gallon now until i get a alk kit. but once i get the alk kit ill mix a separate dosing pump on a timer to dose the same amount of kalk separate from the ATO
i do a tbsp per gallon of water. now until i get a alk kit. but once i get the alk kit ill mix a separate dosing pump on a timer to dose the same amount of kalk separate from the ATO

Did you mean to say you do 1 teaspoon per gallon because that is what is recommended as the starting dose. Also, 2 teaspoons per gallon is considered saturated (unless you super-saturate with vinegar in which case you can dissolve 3 tsp (1 tbsp) of kalk/g when you add 45ml of vinegar/g). If you're adding 1 tbsp (3 teaspoons) per gallon then you are saturated and actually wasting 1 tsp pf kalk per gallon.

I use a 5G ato bucket and only mix in 6 teaspoons (2 tbsp) for my 90G. How big is your tank and ca/alk requirements?
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What would you rec for a 5g bucket

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You could easily manage your ca/alk requirements with kalk and never need to dose 2-part with a tank of your size. In fact, "The Oracle" (Randy Farley Holmes) has written, and suggests, that tanks up to 90G can run indefinitely running kalk...I can back that up, my 90G is proof.

The key consideration is your evaporation. If you run your thermostat at the same temp all winter then you will evaporate similar amounts from week to week. If you consistently run A/C during the summer then you will also evaporate at the same level every week. Spring and fall can be a slight challenge because you might have more temp fluctuations, especially if you open your windows sometimes, etc. This is not a big deal to monitor and adjust accordingly.

That being said, as long you check your ca/alk weekly (or more) during periods of fluctuating temp then you can make adjustments. IMO, you still need to test regularly when dosing 2-part and make adjustments based on your coral growth and uptake. Same goes for dosing kalk.

As Joe said, a dosing pump can malfunction so dosing 2-part can have risks too. You can also have evaporation issues with kalk in ato. Weigh your options, compare the possible risks, and see what works best for you. You can always try some kalk, see if it works, and if not...go out and spend $60 on an inexpensive dosing pump.

Based on the size of your tank, I'd add 3 tsp (1 tbsp) to your 5G ato bucket and see what that does over a week, then add more/less as needed. Make sure the tube is positioned about an inch above the bottom of your bucket so you don't pump in the milky white precipitate that will settle at the bottom of the reservoir. It won't hurt anything if you do, just don't need that sediment clouding up your tank and clogging up your ato pump (which it will eventually).
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Yea I kinda feel that way sometimes but I mean I have my DC pump, my jabeo pp4, and a skimmer ...would I really need a apex or reefkeeper for 3 things lol

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On a side note about controllers. The reason I got my first one was to control my heater. The most common reason I used to hear about tank crashes (at least years ago before controllers) was when a heater malfunctioned. And when they go bad they usually stay on, not off, and end up cooking your tank. The controller manages the current to the heater so even if the heater malfunctions and wants to stay on then the controller will shut it off.
Yea I kinda feel that way sometimes but I mean I have my DC pump, my jabeo pp4, and a skimmer ...would I really need a apex or reefkeeper for 3 things lol

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I have a reef angel I can let go for $100 if you are interested. The only thing is that the dimming ports rusted out and port 4 doesn't work well (this part is replaceable for $100, might need a new pH probe as well.

From the looks of it you won't need all the ports.

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Wow thanks guys for all this info sure is alot to take in and think about..going to do some research on kalk so I can get a little better understanding of it..
[MENTION=4028]GugsJr[/MENTION] let me think about it going to look at that controller as well as others

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