Sounds great. When do we get to see the new pics????
Tomorrow at the earliest, I'm not gonna be home until late tonight. Hopefully I can get my canopy finished soon so I can actually mount my lights properly instead of sitting them on eggcrate haha,
yea. the egg crate takes away a lot from them. I tried that for a while and when I switched out to screen top, WOW what a difference
How are you going to hang the lights? I know someone who can make a metal frame for the to sit in, or you can do conduit
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Got my first unique inhabitants last sunday and today. I got a yellow tang, powder brown tang, yellow eyed kole tang, and today I got a Hawaiian Flame Angel, all from Reefwise. I'll be posting pics soon. Now to begin getting corals.
WHAT IN THE NAME OF SWEET BABY JESUS!!!!!!!!! Great taste in fish, but I hope they are all really small. that is a lot of tang for a 75
very very pro. I love the hinged lid. What is the black material on top? Is it painted sheet metal?