My mandarin doing what he does......


New member
.....Eating pellets!

I just love how I always read posts talking about how dragonets are impossible to break from live foods. Now I have video evidence that it is possible.

This was actually new to me. I just caught him doing this last night. Up until now I thought that I was only able to get him onto frozen foods.

Forgive the poor quality, was taken with my phone under actinics only. Kinda a slow eater so the video is a bit dry, but the evidence is there.
(Actually, I'm just showing off):a01:

The vid doesnt seem to want to embed...just click the picture below to see it.

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">

I just also wanted to note that it took alot of luck and alot of time to get this guy to this point.
I know...the leds wreak havok on my phones camera. Ill try and get a better vid of him when all the lights are on, but about a minute into the video he gets away from the rockwork and onto the sandbed where he is much easier to see.
I have a green spot mandarin goby that will eat about anything I put in the tank (mostly Rods). I do turn off the power heads to help get it.
I also have a (Blue) mandarin in my 55 Gal. But haven't seen him eat any frozen yet, altho just pick him up & there's a lot more fish in that tank.
Glad he's eating good for you they are beautiful fish!!