My Nano and Pico Tanks


Princess Trainer

20G high and 10G inadvertent Reef Tanks.

I always thought I'd do FO or FOWLR but started putting a few corals into my 20G high. (Button Polyps, Frogspawn which is hosting my clowns now, Galaxia, Xenia and Ricordia.) My 10G is an "inadvertent" reef bc I bought some LR from another reefer thinking it was just LR. After aquascaping I noticed two rocks with Xenia on them. One rock had very tiny Xenia; the other had two stalks but they looked damaged. After two or three days, all the Xenia perked up.
Third tank just finished cycling two weeks ago; it'll be a while before I get any corals into it.
Thank you for your time and for looking.