My new 150 Gallon saltwater fish only


New member
Just Started setting up a new fish only tank. Will be full of different reef unsafe fish.More pics when i get it moving.

Lol...there's plenty of "reef unsafe fish" out there. That'll be a nice tank for them, can't wait to see it come to life.
Looks awesome liking those chairs next to it if you like furniture like that let me know me and my dad run a shop out of our garage and make stuff like that we can make just about anything :-) and rustic furniture like that is our specialty

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Nice! I'm going to start a fowlr too. I miss having unsafe fishes :)
Can't wait to see your tank stocked.
My reef is 100% stocked so im getting bored with it so i thought i would try some fish only tanks. I have enough equipment to put up a few hundred since i gave up on the fish store so i am going to start this tank and i am working on additions to my machine shed to add a few heated rooms to put up some tanks in and move all my clown breeding tanks out there.Winter is always better for @ home projects so better to be there than @ a store spending my nights at.

P.S. mr-z my house is decorated in western horse type theme and have alot of that type of furniture already.
Running with sump and refuge but haven't got background up yet and still waiting a few more days of cycling! Put on a filter to run carbon threw for a few days then i will take it off after that.
i love these the color on yours are sweet never seen one in a tank large enough to see it swim or feed alwasys see in store tanks usually small i really want a fish only tank again
Great fish.This is Pinnatus Batfish not Platax Orbicularis.Great you got one that was tank raised,wild ones have very low survival rate.They also grow to 18 in. tall.You will have to upgrade in the future if you want to keep it as an adult. Again great fish and good luck.
I have plenty of tanks. I have 2 300 gallons sitting around that i will get together if i ever get my buildings at house built.
Ya mmreefcrazy i suck @ fish names thanks for that, Henry told me on facebook the right species also!