My SPS love AcroPower

Nice Mai. So you were dosing 1 ml/day before. Are you dosing 7ml now in one dosing?

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I've put 1000ml in my tank over the last few months. My colors are good, but they weren't bad to start. I'm now out of acropower and will discontinue use. I'll start it up again if I see negative changes. I'm not sure my tank needs it since I feed heavy and have big fish.
Who's still using this? Are you a believer in it? Is it a flash in the pan? I'm still using it but I've been using it for so long I don't really know if it is helping or my tank would look the same without it.
I stop for a while because it drop down the alk a lot...but start back 2ml a week...All I see is some SPS like it and some don't like it.
IM still dosing 10mls a week, things look great but like it was said my tank looked good before to . I guess when I run out I'll see if I order more or see what happens when I don't use it. There are so many things out there that get a lot of attention and come to find out your tank is stable and doing great and there is no need to spend or add another thing to the tank.
Like mia i had to stop for awhile. First month of doseing the color on my sticks were the best they ever been thought i found a miracile in a bottle then the colors went away as fast as they came . Its almost like it adds something your corals nerd to colors up but they dont use alot of and eventually u overdose and colors start to fade again definitly think its a good product but the dosing needs to be tweeked more. Then i let my alk container run out and alk got super low and cokors went to crap even more ugh. On a side note i didnt have any issues with alk dropping while doseing ap like mai did but i also keeo my alk high at 10 all stayed stabile until my doser ran dry . As of right now im only doseung 2ml a week on a 75 gal colors r coming back nicely but still have long way to go to be back to that month stretch of bling bling
I've had to double my alk and cal dosing since using AP. SPS growing faster. You have to really check your alk and cal at least once a week or you can end up killing your sticks. I will probably stop using once My sticks are grown up.

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That's true. Is acropower is lowering ur alk, then it must b cuz the corals r using more of it to grow. So acropower must b doing something right. I Just started using it again. In a ~40 gallon system I'm using .5ml a week