Mystery Coral ID


New member
Hi, I have the name of this coral on the tip of my tongue but I quite remember it and google isn't being helpful.

It is an encrusting SPS, grows pretty fast, green with a highly metallic shine.
Also, it doesn't quite have the pattern/lines of a leptoseris.

Is anyone here able to help identify it?

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I dont have a camera yet to take great photos, but I will move it closer to the glass for a better photo if needed.
Haha, thanks guys. I've had this guy for several months now and he has increase maybe 400-500% in size. I try not to let any of my corals every touch, but I will be extra careful now. While I generally prefer a natural look in the reef tank, I glued a small piece of this coral to a plastic "The Mask (wooden mask)" decoration, which its already encrusting. Should be fun when it's fully covered!

If anyone else knows the species name, I'm still interested
If it is a Hydnaphora Exesa, then my experience with them also showed fast growth. It's definitely an aggressive coral. I'd put it at least 6 inches away from everything else. Mine had some sweepers that were no joke.
It's not about letting it touch other corals, this is a reach out and touch you type coral. This guy will reach things you would think are way out of it's reach and has a vicious sting.
I really dont think this is a hydnophora... I have 2 types of hydnophora in my tank, this seems like something different. However, I totally agree about hydnophora reaching out and easily overpowering anything too nearby, and is also why i classify it as LPS. I have never seen any sweepers on this guy, and am 100% confident there are none longer than 1mm... leading me to group this as an encrusting SPS.

Here are a couple new photos that provide a better look. A bright photo to indicate it's reflectiveness. A dark photo to see the pattern. And a third photo where you can see a not-as-reflective patch; this is from where i touched it several weeks ago. The reflective part easily brushes off from a light touch, and slowly comes back. Nonetheless it is a fast grower, and may be about doubling in size each month.

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Thank you; I like that you both seem to agree. Could you post a link? I've tried searching for different types of Psammacora that even remotely resemble this, and am not having any luck.

Also, I have a Psammacora tree, and it looks and acts very different. I don't have a photo, but I stole this from a quick Google search. Mine is much bigger, but it is very similar.
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Thank you; I like that you both seem to agree. Could you post a link? I've tried searching for different types of Psammacora that even remotely resemble this, and am not having any luck.

Also, I have a Psammacora tree, and it looks and acts very different. I don't have a photo, but I stole this from a quick Google search. Mine is much bigger, but it is very similar.
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I have psam to looks like this pic mine strted out encrusting only then grew branches . It dont look like hydrophorno only other thing it can be maybe is a green lepto
I just found a link to a Tyree Dragon Skin Leptoseris. Has anyone seen a Dragon Skin Lepto firsthand, and can compare?

Ive never seen a green in person but have a gold somewhere in simeones house and has same growth pattern now that i look and see the edges hang off like a chalice i do believe it is a lepto
Thanks again Madjoe! I will keep an open mind on it until it can be confirmed. But I will label it as most likely a Lepto.

As for a gold Lepto; I actually got a small frag of one from my friend! It's been growing moderately, and I'll def post photos soon. One of my favorite corals in my tank, for sure!

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Danieldv6; is that a Psammacora?
Thanks again Madjoe! I will keep an open mind on it until it can be confirmed. But I will label it as most likely a Lepto.

As for a gold Lepto; I actually got a small frag of one from my friend! It's been growing moderately, and I'll def post photos soon. One of my favorite corals in my tank, for sure!

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Danieldv6; is that a Psammacora?

Thanks again Madjoe! I will keep an open mind on it until it can be confirmed. But I will label it as most likely a Lepto.

As for a gold Lepto; I actually got a small frag of one from my friend! It's been growing moderately, and I'll def post photos soon. One of my favorite corals in my tank, for sure!

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Danieldv6; is that a Psammacora?

Don't thank me yet the new oics looks like its starting to branch and as far as i know no leptos branch so with that said i have no freaking clue wtf that is now lol
Looks like Coscinaraea. It is pretty similar to Pavona/Leptoseris/Psammocora but the genus is often overlooked when ID'ing similar corals.