Need Help With Id

Thanks guys. I was hoping it was something else.

I have about 230 lbs of rock in there and now I plan on boiling and scrubbing about 25lbs a night until there isn't any rock in there. I plan on putting about 70% of the rock back in there and re aquascaping.

Do you think if I leave my fish in there that they will be ok without any rock for about 2 weeks? Let me know what you think.

Also when I put the rock back in should I do a little at a time or all at once?

Have you tried to kill them? It seems a little extreme to boil 230lbs just to get rid of mojanos. I had a few and used some aptasia treatment (it also works on mojanos). You can also take a small amount of epoxy (that you use to cement coral onto rock) and fill in the crevice that the mojano is living in. You can also do this without the need to use aptasia treatment.

I would think that your fish should be fine without rock although your nitrates might go up after boiling off all the beneficial bacteria on the rock. You might want to consider a probiotic (like Micro Bacter 7 or Microbe Lift) to help seed the dead rock with bacteria.
My reason for being kind of extreme is that this live rock is currently in a 120 and I was planning on moving it to my 450. I rather deal with 230 lbs of rock now then to possibly deal with a mega pain in the *** later.

While rock in the tank is being boiled, I plan on doing water changes every 3 days of 20 gallons to help keep the nitrates in check.

Thanks for the help!
That makes sense. I'd want clean rock going into a new tank too, especially if there'e mojano mojo floating aroound!
We got one of those with our live rock. It wandered around the tank for months. We were totally new at this and had no clue what it was. Then, one day, we had 2. Full grown ones next to each other. They have since met their demise.