Need some help!!!

Hey all I'm attaching some pic of some coral that looks like it's peeling? Not sure if I should describe that way, can anyone tell me based on the pics what exactly is going on?
Leather corals do shed their skin. Inrease flow to help speed the process. As far as the other coral photo's it's difficult to see what or if anything is happening.
The hammer has the white flap sticking out from it, and galaxae, I got confused, it's it tentacles sticking out

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Are my corals in correct position based off what kind they are and how much lighting they need?
Leather corals need strong light, they do better in metal halide than LED in my tanks. Hammer doesn't matter, doing well in either light.
Leathers are what we grew when our lights sucked. It looks like it's just peeling. I had to scrub one of mine with a tooth brush when it shredded, but those were much different times back then.