Nem makes strange choice. Let him be or intervene?


Looked for missing red bta for about an hour last night. He took off walking when my goni went nuts. Sump, fuge nowhere. Went to clean the glass this morning and I'm certainly glad I glanced at the mag float first. He was right in front of my face the whole hour or so I scanned my tank with a flashlight :o
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I think he is looking for more comfortable place , maybe lighting and flow was not to his liking in previous location? I would try to move him to a different location than before, but that's the trouble with anemones, they like to wonder around tank sometimes.
Since he's easily peeled off, I'd move him to where you want. If he moves again, you may want to rethink your flow.
I think he is looking for more comfortable place , maybe lighting and flow was not to his liking in previous location? I would try to move him to a different location than before, but that's the trouble with anemones, they like to wonder around tank sometimes.

Since he's easily peeled off, I'd move him to where you want. If he moves again, you may want to rethink your flow.

He definitely moved because of the goni his brother has never moved but when they split this one moved a little closer to the goni which was fine for like 3 months. The goni suddenly started sending out long sweepers a few days ago. (The goni completely ate half a ricordea in a matter of hours). I was able to move the goni away from that area but this guy already started walking (last I had seen him he was really getting slammed so I knew he wasn't done). I knew gonipora could be aggressive but I thought it would be a little more gradual! If it won't hurt the nem to peel him off the glass I'll try putting him back next to his bro where he was happy (and my poor lost male clown could find him)

Thanks for the help
I think he is looking for more comfortable place , maybe lighting and flow was not to his liking in previous location? I would try to move him to a different location than before, but that's the fun part about anemones, they like to wonder around tank sometimes.

I fixed it for you! ;) Just gotta 'nem-proof the tank all you can... and pray for the best, lol. It's like a puppy! A blind, clueless puppy... that feels no pain..... See, fun!! :)