New 40 Breeder Build

Sad news today.. :pout:
I lost two fishes today my red spot cardinal fish and my kole tang :( kole tang wasn't eating ever since I got him from underwater world and my cardinal was just laying lifeless on my sandbed ...

Will hold off adding another fish to my tank.. My other fishes are all doing well swimming and eating like crazy...

Was wondering what would u guys suggest to add to my tank... Won't add another fish till after a month..

Here's my list of fish:
Ora tiger goby
Green clown goby
Yasha goby
Snowflake Picasso clown
Midas blenny
Coris wrasse
Cherub angel

What would be a good new tank mate for these guys

Dang that sucks Jeff. :(

It would be hard to recommend a fish. Just pick something that would get along and that you've been wanting.
Love the cherub. They're characters.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4

i agree. i love my little cherub.. always roaming the whole area :)

Dang that sucks Jeff. :(

It would be hard to recommend a fish. Just pick something that would get along and that you've been wanting.

will do.. i gotta look through my list of ones i want lol

You're welcome, Kuya!!



lol u crazy

Midas blennies are so much fun

i agree! Cleopatra II has such great character :)
Some late nite pics

Yasha goby


Midas Blenny

My fave green hairy mushrooms