new 40 gallon breeder set up advice please help

All Petco's treat EVERY tank with copper. It's a corporate position. This includes coral/invert tanks as well. They are horrible to their livestock, don't feed properly as a cost mechanism (meaing they feed the cheapest possible food source, whether the fish will take it/dont, and very few of their employees actually knows anything about salt systems. You will find individuals with knowledges, but as a company, they treat their livestock like $hit.

how can they even stock snails and inverts then? Doesn't copper instantly kill them (snails specifically)? I once treated a FW snail infestation with had-a-snail and just a few drops wiped them all out in less than a day. I'm not sure with which officer you discussed their corporate positions, but that individual may have employed SOME hyperbole. :D
Super thanks to every one that's helping out .I have not yet put any parts to use its all still sitting in the box just tryin to put all the pieces together as I keep reading n practice keeping up with my nano .so I will look into a better skimmer and I was wondering about the sump are they a must or can I play with that later plus what size sump and I heard of turning the hob filter to a refugium which would be better .sorry know I ask alot but what better place then here.

Please note that my SW experience extends all the way back to last November, but as far as a sump goes: I started with a all-in-one nano thinking it would be an easier way to introduce myself to the hobby. Later I started a larger system with a sump. Having that experience I can say that the sump is by far the preferred method if you can afford the extra cost and space. With this hobby, dilution is the key to everything. The larger your water volume, the easier it is to maintain proper dilution. In a smaller tank a small problem can spin out of control very fast. A 40b is a great size tank (I wish I hasd started with one), but the sump can add more volume (try a 29t), a place to put your skimmer (freeing you from HAVING to use a HOB) a place for a fuge (HOB fuge provides questionable effectiveness at best) and, most importantly; you can siphon into the sump from your DT for vacuming and maintainence (you don't have to shut down everything to do a quick clean-up). You can also banish naughty livestock to a sump or put injured friends in there. You can use more LR and even a DSB in there if you want. It adds unlimate flexibility and removes all of the junk from your DT. If I had it to do over again I would have started with a 40b with a 29t sump and then look at the nano as I became more advanced. Others may disagree (though I doubt it on this one) but if you have the room and the exra money, I would definitely do a sump. that's my .02 anyway.
hi again so the 40 has bin up since aug 13 it has 55 pounds of live carib sea ocean direct a little over 30 pounds of live rock and 20 of dry rock 2 aqueon 700 lil fans for cirq a coralife 65 g skimmer a quad t5 ho fixture 2 10g bulbs 2 actinic a aquaclear 75 filter with some bio balls in it and chemipure carbon as for live stock first i put in one stripped damsel then a week later i added 2 engineer goby after 2 weeks of the 3 lil guys eating well and chilling i added snowflake eel he has bin in there since aug 30 and everything was ok so of course i pushed my luck and tried to add another beautiful addition tho it may have bin too soon any way it was a dwarf lion but he didnt make it into the tank and thats where i need help i put the bag in to temp up for 15min the i poured in a shot glass of my water in to the bag just to ease him in then 15 later i added another shot glass and waited 15 then a double he didnt seem to notice so i in like a hour or so the bag was half his half my tank water and he was ok so i let him swim while made a bowl of cereal it wasnt 10 min i was gone came back n he was stiff as a board needless to say i am crushed. I NEED TO KNOW WHERE I WENT WRONG I NEVER WANT TO DO THIS TO ANY LIL GUY AGAIN WHAT CAN I DO PLEASE HELP!!!
Your tank is Way over stocked. The eel and engineer gobys get huge. The lion fish is also a very large bioload. It's possible that your tank can't keep up with the amount of load from your fish. It hasn't been even a month so your tank may not even be 100% cycled.
Your tank is Way over stocked. The eel and engineer gobys get huge. The lion fish is also a very large bioload. It's possible that your tank can't keep up with the amount of load from your fish. It hasn't been even a month so your tank may not even be 100% cycled.

+1 engineer gobys get up to 1 foot and snowflake eels get up to 2 foot+ and a dwarf lion still needs at least 50 gallons
I see ...the 2 gobys are the size of crayons I just put them in cuz the lps said they were hardy good starters n the snowflake is the size of a pencil he was just to nice to pass up if I could only keep one fish it would be my snowflake but around what are my stocking ops is like 2 black n white clowns Mr eel n some coral