New and need help

Can't say I can get to 'cool' though I certainly understand the sentiment intellectually. Maybe once the thing is out of my tank and my stomach stops doing non-stop flip flops... :afraid::afraid::afraid:

It's still really active. Pretty much everytime I look it's poking its head or at least the feelers out. Not sure why it is all of a sudden. Can't wait until Thursday, Madjoe and Richard coming to the rescue.

Are there threads here for freshwater stuff? I'm always happy to talk about knives and hear other people talk about them. Far too little information out there about such a fantastic fish.
Can't say I can get to 'cool' though I certainly understand the sentiment intellectually. Maybe once the thing is out of my tank and my stomach stops doing non-stop flip flops... :afraid::afraid::afraid:

It's still really active. Pretty much everytime I look it's poking its head or at least the feelers out. Not sure why it is all of a sudden. Can't wait until Thursday, Madjoe and Richard coming to the rescue.

Are there threads here for freshwater stuff? I'm always happy to talk about knives and hear other people talk about them. Far too little information out there about such a fantastic fish.
Theres a fresh water and brackish water section here u can post on . And when we show up dont stab us with the knives . I only look scary no need to stab lol
Lol no fear! I will just show them off. I'll make a thread about them and see if there are any others as enamored as I am.

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
Theres a fresh water and brackish water section here u can post on . And when we show up dont stab us with the knives . I only look scary no need to stab lol
Take the shotgun for that thing. No seriously that thing is satanic
Yep plus I have a scary attack dog. 5 pound Yorkie. She is small but she is mighty. *grin*

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
Dang, Joes angles are up to my knees. I'm in trouble now. Have to work about being dragged in the sand by the Bobbit and cujo chewing on my knees.

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Haha Penny not so much. The bobbit otoh....

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
Can't say I can get to 'cool' though I certainly understand the sentiment intellectually. Maybe once the thing is out of my tank and my stomach stops doing non-stop flip flops... :afraid::afraid::afraid:

It's still really active. Pretty much everytime I look it's poking its head or at least the feelers out. Not sure why it is all of a sudden. Can't wait until Thursday, Madjoe and Richard coming to the rescue.

Are there threads here for freshwater stuff? I'm always happy to talk about knives and hear other people talk about them. Far too little information out there about such a fantastic fish.

Its cool because its in your tank and not mine. ;-))

Its probably active because its hungry. Hopefully you don't have any fish in the tank? Sounds like Madjoe is going to feed it Richard on Thursday. :dog-laugh:

Theres a fresh water and brackish water section here u can post on . And when we show up dont stab us with the knives . I only look scary no need to stab lol

It should be called the Freshwater/Brackish/Reptile/Amphibian section.

Lol gonna have to go mad max on that thing . Theres bunch of crazy vids on these eating fish think one even ate a lion fish

Should be an interesting day killer worm, knives, and a attack yorkie!

Are Bobbit Worms rare or something that shows up every so often in peoples aquariums? I was just wondering if their rare if the Shedd would want it for research?

Be careful, from what I've read it sounds like they might be poisonous.

Good Luck with the eviction!!
I did drop an email to the Shedd seeing if someone wanted it for research but did not get a reply. Like I said, if anyone wants it they are welcome to it. It'll be in a hermetically sealed box somewhere along I-55 with warning stickers all over it. (Starting to sound like a Twilight Zone episode...)

I don't know how rare they are, does anyone have any idea? Anyone else seen one in their tank or someone else's before? And more importantly, will I ever be able to set foot in the ocean again?
Oh, as to fish, I do have one clown in there. I'm thinking ithe worm mostly has been eating detritus, uneaten food, and snails, because I did have a decent snail population and now rarely see more than one or two. And there used to be an emerald crab and a big peppermint shrimp in there that I haven't seen in months so I'm thinking they got it too. There's a horrifying thread on Michigan Reefers detailing a guy's effort to get rid of one. He was feeding it shrimp (it would come out and eat readily) and would stuff the shrimp with poison, superglue, broken glass. Nothing killed it. he ended up dismantling the tank - that's why I am cutting to the chase.
If I could only get over my EEEEK MONSTER KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT reaction I would have to say it's kind of interesting. If you notice on the one video I posted, it nabs a small rock. I was thinking 'wow that's a stupid worm' but turns out it took the rock and placed it along with some other pebbles and shells in another opening in the rock higher up, presumably to create a screen for better ambushing.
