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Ooooo baby that thing is a absolute beauty!! I think I see Ryan's little baby to the left there!!
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ooooo baby that thing is a absolute beauty!! I think I see Ryan's little baby to the left there!!
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I seen something their to...... lol what is it and looks like it's got a little star fish on it
Man I wish I had the know how that you guys have bith have amazing tanks still fighting my tank to get back on track so I can get my corals back
What? Lol
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Left side little acro looks green with a pinkish purple tip. And looks like a star fish right but it
Oh yea lol they don't bother my Corals though lol
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I got them in my tank keep trying to get them out i hate them and I can't find any Harlequin shrimp
That things awesome! What is it?
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Either way man that things glowing!
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