New Forum Reputation System

However, because of the whole "don't feed the troll" negative "karma" I have been very timid here to pay any complements. I have also noticed i have a general bad feeling when coming here, as if it were an exclusive club that doesn't welcome newcomers or "outsiders".
So if you say this system is to "show the trouble makers" Why would ANYONE want to pay any compliments, else be deemed a "trouble maker"?
The "constructive criticism" I was left (Don't feed the trolls--on a post where I told another reefer they had a beautiful tank and because of that they must be doing everything right) only made my distasteful feeling for this place grow, and me shrink as a poster because of the "karma" I might receive.

First and foremost, the reputation/karma function was meant to be fun. However, it seems to be having the opposite effect for some members. Also, and most importantly, it is not here to "show the troublemakers". I believe it's purpose is to highlight positive things that people do. In your case, it seems like someone abused the system by wrongfully giving you a negative comment. I'm not sure if you're aware, but other members cannot see your comments, whether positive or negative. In fact, if it wasn't for you bringing it up, I wouldn't have ever known you received a negative karma. All we know is that you are "on a distinguished road". Please don't take the actions of one member to heart. The vast majority of the people on this site do not get involved in such petty antics. I would encourage you to please keep posting and contributing to the forum.
I do not cause problems. I am new here and generally I post a ton on other forums. I don't post because I have anything to prove. I post when I see a person seeking advice and I happen to know a solution to the problem at hand. I may post in people's build threads to encourage them and compliment the beautiful reefs I see. I do a little "plus one" in the forums that hold an answer that is exactly what i would have posted. I may occasionally post in my "lfs" forum if he has something super great, as a compliment to him. However, because of the whole "don't feed the troll" negative "karma" I have been very timid here to pay any complements. I have also noticed i have a general bad feeling when coming here, as if it were an exclusive club that doesn't welcome newcomers or "outsiders".
So if you say this system is to "show the trouble makers" Why would ANYONE want to pay any compliments, else be deemed a "trouble maker"?
In real life (not the crazy online realm of forum land) I am a sensitive person who cares deeply of my reputation. If the person who gave me negative karma would have said "this post is off topic" or "I don't understand" or "this makes very little sense" I can see how that would help the users of this site. I love constructive criticism in real life. It is how we better ourselves and grow as people. The "constructive criticism" I was left (Don't feed the trolls--on a post where I told another reefer they had a beautiful tank and because of that they must be doing everything right) only made my distasteful feeling for this place grow, and me shrink as a poster because of the "karma" I might receive.
So at a quick glance, I am a "trouble maker", and or have "something to prove"? These things were very untrue but now branded as such, why try and undo it? If my poor Karma is a sham what then holds true of the other positive Karma people receive? A nonsensical positive holds as much weight as a logical? I silly and pointless negative destroys just as effectively as a legitimate need for improvement? What again is the point of this system?


I couldn't agree more with anything you say here. I would like to see this reputation system done away with, as it seems it is being used far too much as an "f" you tool than for its true intent. I want to believe that as a member of this community I tend to go above and beyond to help my fellow hobbyists, many people have met me, and they can vouch for my generosity. I am always willing to go out of my way when possible to help someone out, help "hook up" the new guy starting out, or lend my advice. On the flip side, I want to see this site succeed, and not be a drama fest on a daily basis. Sure I've had my slip-ups and been less than perfect myself, but I'm only human like everyone else. When something isn't right, sometimes it needs to be said. The problem for me is that as being part of TeamCR, I have received "vengeance" negative karma from a certain group of people that can't just play nice as their way for getting back at me for helping this site. Heck, I got a negative karma for saying a maroon clown would be fine in a 14g biocube temporarily for a couple weeks. How in any which way does that warrant negative karma? People as just much too quick to hammer on that negative karma button, and far too hesitant to hand out positive karma. Perhaps if karma could be reviewed by staff for legitimacy before being applied the system would work better, but the way it is now it just doesn't work.
I find it to be a tool for mean & hurtful people who have no idea what they are talking about. Folks shouldn't have to come to a site to be hurt.
All I got to say " I don't care "... Don't know whats the big issue with this.. You like me or don't, lets move on and keep trading corals :D

I dont need a reputation system IMO to be popular here at CR ;)
All I got to say " I don't care "... Don't know whats the big issue with this.. You like me or don't, lets move on and keep trading corals :D

I dont need a reputation system IMO to be popular here at CR ;)

You are completely right. And this really is the point. It's not a karma thing, it's a "I don't like you" button the way it is set up. We don't need a system that promotes people another way to make it clear they don't like you...
Fishbeard, why look at it? I'm not sure when was the last time checked.. But it doesnt bother me at all. If people want to use the tool, go right ahead and use it. But we shouldnt take this to heart ;)
Why look at the POTM if you don't submit a photo? Why look at the Featured Tank since its not your own?

The Karma rep thing is an integrated feature on the site. If we should just ignore it because other people take advantage of it, then why have it at all?
This reputation system has done more harm than good. Deactivated until I can figure out a way to improve the system. Thanks everyone
i guess giving the karma button to reefers is like giving a reefer the power of being a mod sometimes its abused. sometimes when a person says something its taken the wrong way by one person and there you have it bad karma/infractions
i guess giving the karma button to reefers is like giving a reefer the power of being a mod sometimes its abused. sometimes when a person says something its taken the wrong way by one person and there you have it bad karma/infractions

I could agree, except for the fact that very few infractions are ever handed out, and always earned by the member they are issued to. The karma system was being abused by people and too much negative karma was being given to people for no reason other than petty vengeance or disagreement in an effort to promote even more drama and arguing on the site. I expect as word gets around to those that were victimized, that the system was disabled, they will feel more inclined to come back and post more often now.
I expect as word gets around to those that were victimized, that the system was disabled, they will feel more inclined to come back and post more often now.

I highly doubt that the karma button kept anyone from posting. In all honesty, I am admittedly one of the most controversial people on this site and received zero negative karma points. The only negative I did receive was a "vengance" thing and I didn't really care. I ended up with 23 points.
I for one am going to go through the whole site now instead of just hitting the "new" on the tap-a-talk. If taking (karma) away by principal alone you made a step to a much happier site. I feel a liberated sense of new posting ability. :)