No, I'm not a communist..
However, because of the whole "don't feed the troll" negative "karma" I have been very timid here to pay any complements. I have also noticed i have a general bad feeling when coming here, as if it were an exclusive club that doesn't welcome newcomers or "outsiders".
So if you say this system is to "show the trouble makers" Why would ANYONE want to pay any compliments, else be deemed a "trouble maker"?
The "constructive criticism" I was left (Don't feed the trolls--on a post where I told another reefer they had a beautiful tank and because of that they must be doing everything right) only made my distasteful feeling for this place grow, and me shrink as a poster because of the "karma" I might receive.
First and foremost, the reputation/karma function was meant to be fun. However, it seems to be having the opposite effect for some members. Also, and most importantly, it is not here to "show the troublemakers". I believe it's purpose is to highlight positive things that people do. In your case, it seems like someone abused the system by wrongfully giving you a negative comment. I'm not sure if you're aware, but other members cannot see your comments, whether positive or negative. In fact, if it wasn't for you bringing it up, I wouldn't have ever known you received a negative karma. All we know is that you are "on a distinguished road". Please don't take the actions of one member to heart. The vast majority of the people on this site do not get involved in such petty antics. I would encourage you to please keep posting and contributing to the forum.