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Hey! I got banned too, twice hehehe. This last time was it though. They banned me for literally no reason, I made a tank thread and bam! Well I was honest too, I too work part time for a dot com. I guess if you want to hang out over there you need to either lie, or sponsor. Thanks Gus for the invite!! My lap top is in disrepair but as soon as it's back I will do a tank thread and introduce myself properly! Also if any of you are in cahoots with da Bears, let Jay know he needs to step it up this week he's killing my FF... :D
I'd really like to know why, it's never been clear to me, but no one is willing to discuss it...

If you search a little harder the explaination was clear- But I believe the Thread was deleted but I wouldn't know don't have time to search for it..
If you search a little harder the explaination was clear- But I believe the Thread was deleted but I wouldn't know don't have time to search for it..

I've tried, pretty much all traces are gone, never was clear to me...
They banned an employee from WWC for no reason, and absolutely refused to unban him.
WWC is a sponsor!
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