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My zoas don't seem to care about food at all. The only ones that like it are the larger Palys like the Implosions. Personally in a Zoa/BTA tank I wouldn't waste water quality by feeding the coral. The zoas absorb nutrients/amino acids out of the water column but don't really eat a whole lot. Unless you are actively trying to make a BTA grow quickly you never need to feed them either provided you have sufficient lighting and they aren't already bleached out.

If you have LPS/SPS you can play around with it and of course feed any NPS. Also keep in mind that any food you feed your fish (and the poop that comes from it) dissolves which provides sufficient protein/nutrients to the zoas. Quality frozen foods like Rod's food also contain plenty of coral food in them.
My zoas don't seem to care about food at all. The only ones that like it are the larger Palys like the Implosions. Personally in a Zoa/BTA tank I wouldn't waste water quality by feeding the coral. The zoas absorb nutrients/amino acids out of the water column but don't really eat a whole lot. Unless you are actively trying to make a BTA grow quickly you never need to feed them either provided you have sufficient lighting and they aren't already bleached out.

If you have LPS/SPS you can play around with it and of course feed any NPS. Also keep in mind that any food you feed your fish (and the poop that comes from it) dissolves which provides sufficient protein/nutrients to the zoas. Quality frozen foods like Rod's food also contain plenty of coral food in them.

I wasn't using anything at first until someone recommended the AcroPower, I had read up on it before and mentioned to them that it was for SPS but the individual said even though I didn't have SPS it would still benefit the softies so naturally being new to reefkeeping, I bought it. Someone else recommended Fuel so I bought that and have had it sitting on a shelf since I bought it. I already feed the Clowns pellet and Mysis with a little Cyclops mixed in for the coals and such.

I seriously appreciate the advice, I'll take any experienced reefers advice, it truly is priceless.
Looks awsome but do your self a favor get rid of the gsp . (Green star polyps) they over take tanks quick and will grow right over everything. There r ways to control it but ends up being so much work in 6 months went from dime size piece to a area that could cover a ten gallon tank at least. Again beautiful tank
Looks awsome but do your self a favor get rid of the gsp . (Green star polyps) they over take tanks quick and will grow right over everything. There r ways to control it but ends up being so much work in 6 months went from dime size piece to a area that could cover a ten gallon tank at least. Again beautiful tank

Thanks Hitchhiker! Is it possible to isolate them to an island rock and they won't be able to spread to other parts of the tank?
Its is but when they run out of room to grow i seen them grow strands of gsp and break off and float around so keep utting those off before they can spread and u maybe fine i gave up and gave rock away