New To ChicagoReefs


New member
Hello guys, I just recently got the itch to start a tank back up so I dusted off an old 9 gallon nano tank I had in the garage and fired it up. After walking out of a pet store yesterday with 130 dollars in frags I think its safe to say the itch has become a full blown addiction. 2 weeks into the tank and I have spent almost 300 bucks.

I have a little room left in my tank so I look forward to possably buying some frags from some of you guys in the near future and hopefully doing some trading as well.

Also can anyone recommend a good heater for my tank? The one I currently have is bouncing the temp around a bit to much on me, In the morning the tank is down to about 70 and at night before I turn the lights off im at around 78-80.
High end heaters you should look into the cobalt neotherm. Probably a 75w. Lower end but reliable heaters I would recommend eheim Jager or finnex titanium
I should rephrase that any cheap reliable nano size heaters, the one I got is a bit bulky the big glass tube style and the water level line is way to high for the thermostat on it my tank would have to be filled almost to the brim for it to work properly is my issue most likely.
Looks like Cobalt or the finnex titanium is the best options. I see a couple on amazon priced about the same unless someone around me has one for sale or trade 50-75 wat
Welcome to the club bro.just a fyi this is my brother.I was trying to get my father back into reefing as well but seems like a waste of time
Welcome aboard Ron. I've had 2 neo-therm 25W heaters. Each was installed with an apex monitoring temp on a pico. Their temp controller sucks, it bounced around several degrees randomly until I used the apex to turn the heater on and off. I had the problem with the first heater, so I picked up the second and had the same issue.
Welcome. Check your heater to see if it is calibrated right. Your temps at night are probably higher because of your light being on. Some heaters I have had to adjust because their 78 was only 70. So see if the temp is the same all day with the light off. If it is, then adjust your heater. But the best way is to get a controller to do that for you.
Welcome Ron. The investment on a RKL might go a long way if you ask me. A finex or a jbj temp controller cost just as much and all you get to monitor and control is the temperature in the tank. For a few dollars more you get a piece of mind because you can connect your main heater and back up straight to it and still have outlets to play with.
Welcome to CR Ron! I would go with an Eheim Jager. The thermostat is adjustable if it's not on point and the temp is stable. There is always a deal online.
Up to 25 different corals in my tank now, I guess it's time to kick back and watch them grow :) My little tank is starting to run out of room and I already started looking at a 29 gallon tank lol. Damn this addiction!!
Haha I hit my brother up for some more frags yesterday got 10 types of zoas in there 4 really neet ones I cant wait to start fragging out and trading for some others, Tanks glows aweful nice with the blue leds on.
It was good to meet you at the party.

You should definitely upgrade to a 29, and then fill that rite up.

Lets see some pics if you get the chance.