new to corals got these from a guy a know help w ID please


New member
First picture is of the tank and coral positions in general. Looking for some help ID these plus sugestions on if they need to be moved down once ID not new to saltwater tanks but definately a rookie with corals
first pic after tank pic looks like candy cane that does not look well at all sorry to say second one i forget name but dosent look well either again sorry to say then definitly crocea clam looks ok and candy cane last pic looks better then first one but not open so gotta watch it. think we would need info on tank lights age equipment etc. they r all lps that usually do ok in dirtier water but first to really dont look good . with more info on tank im sure we can help
someone who gave up on their tank gave me these corals so i know all are not doing good they are improving suprisingly. lighting i have 500w worth oh MH, 110 w actinic blue, and 60w red night

I was thinking candy cane for sure on the last green one

the other green one is supposed to have tentacles that come out when its healthy?!!?! dont think that is a characteristic of the candy canes is it?
and the one mat is orange and yellow pic doesnt show color well all i have is my iphone to take pics as of now
google image sun coral and see if that is close.

trumpet/candy cane corals do have polyp extension, but they are pretty stubby around the mouths
i have an orange sun coral in another tank and it doesnt look anything like this. the trumpet/candy cane may be it because the mouth is kinf of sunken in on each head of the coral compared to the other candy canes. what would be the center of a flower is a different color compared to what would be petals of a flower(sorry for terms) guessing these to be the polyp extensions when its healthy.
There are like 2 or 3 diffrent color sun corals.I believe and that pic sure does look like one all closed if it is don't put it in direct light put it under a over hang
They have tenticals in middle show more at night while feeding. Hope they recover id move em down some thats some high power light mine seemed to like lower light in tank once i moved it it grew like crazy but also target fed it
Maybe padgota cup coral for other coral going by look and colors u say they r im sure i screwed up spelling
ok moved it under an overhang thank you i appreciate the input, I had gotten these all from a guy who gave up on his tank and sold us anything we wanted for ten bucks a piece including a rhizo!!! so I know some may not make it but the rhizo alone was well worth every penny we payed for everything and most are larger colonies. I will continue to try and save them and hope for the best thanks for the help.

heres a pic of the rhizo we got and the orange sun coral
no worries thanks for the help Ill try and get my hands on a better camera tomorrow rather than a phone i know the pics arent as helpful as they could be
candy cane reference for you: The one on the left is healthy and is showing a little PE. The one on the right fell behind my rockwork for like a month and I thought it was totally dead. I always keep skeletons in my frag tank for a while though and was amazed to see it growing back from the depths of its tubes. I think it looks like you have one of each too!
Sorry for the crappy pic, but you get the idea.
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thanks for the pics heribie much appreciated a few of them on the colony look bad but many still look ok some im hoping if i can learn about it fast enough i can nurture it back with some tlc. sunday Im getting a much deeper tank and will be moving everything over and in the process moving the non reef safe fish into other tanks we have up and running. Trying to get a buddy I know thats a pro with corals to come by and help me so we will see like i said i know nothing about corals but couldnt pass up these deals and want to learn so here i am im sure you will all be sick of my questions very soon haha
yeah we have been giving him brine and silversides he is not in this tank with the high powered lights he is in a small 20g with only a 18" actinic light bulb on the tank