New to Hobby and Forum

Hello everyone, I am very new to the hobby of reef-keeping but I absolutely love it. I personally own an Art gallery in Lakeview and I look at reefs in the same way. So beautiful to look at and enjoy on so many levels. A close friend of mine in the burbs got me into the hobby after seeing all of his tanks and setups. I have always wanted a nice set up for my place and I finally got my first start! a 55gal tank, perfect for its location in my home. Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated. I have not gotten any fish although I plan to by the end of the week. I do however, have a Mexican Turbo Snail, a few Emerald Crabs, blue and red legged hermits and some other smaller snails (per recommendation of my friends in the hobby and business)I have a few small corals growing, as well as some fresh hitchhikers that seem to be popping up in the rocks. I forgot the name of one of the corals my buddy gave me from one of his tanks, there is pics in my albums of what has been placed and or hitchhiked as of date. I have had the tank for about almost 2 months now, just cycled and all that is in there has been added within the last 2 weeks. Again, I'm a newby so all advice and suggestions will be taken with great appreciation. View attachment 7242View attachment 7243View attachment 7244View attachment 7245View attachment 7246View attachment 7247View attachment 7248View attachment 7249
Welcome to Chicago Reefs!!! Most of us are pretty friendly around here, so let us know what we can do to help you advance your knowledge. I'm sure you'll have lot's of questions.
I think I see an aiptasia anemone in your first pic, it's that brownish looking small anemone hanging out with the closed up zoas. kill that thing ASAP and kill them everytime you see them. You can get Aiptasia X, or inject it with vinegar or hot water if you have a syringe. They are pests and spread fast.
Good luck with the hobby.
Welcome to the site and the hobby! This hobby sure won't dissapoint you but it might dissapoint your wallet :lol: I'm sure you are used to it owning an art gallery though as art isn't the cheapest thing either :2in1: Looks good so far. I have a couple pointers for you though. Make sure your tank is fully cycled before adding anything else to it. I'm not sure what is going on but most of the palys look closed up and so do your Duncans. I wouldn't want to stress anything else out. Also it looks like your rock has some Aiptasia on it. You probably want to get rid of it now that you have a chance and don't have much in the tank. You can do so by trying to zap it with something or taking out the rock and possibly drying it out. One last thing I'm going to advice is to ALWAYS do your research before doing or adding anything to the tank. Don't always take ones word on something or depending on the LFS their word specially. Some LFS are just out to make the money and don't care about you or the livestock. Well hope this helps out and hope to see you around often!
Welcome love the rock work. Just make sure its stabil dont want a rock falling and cracking tank that be bad. And definitly get rid of the aptasia buy a couple pepermint shrimp before u buy fish and they will yake care of it.. i say before because once u put fish shrimp might stay hidden scared for there life. Just be patient witg this hobby tank being so new i wouldnt have corals in it yet just cause it cycled dont meeb its stabile. U will probably have a few mini cycles specially once u start adding fish. Tank will readjust for the bigger bioload. Give us more info on equipment it will help people to help u :)
Welcome to the hobby that never ends (draining your wallet, that is...) Your tank looks off to a great start!
Welcome to the reef, liking the rock work. Take things slow nothing good even happens fast in this hobby
Welcome to the addiction! I concur that you have aptasia. You'll want to wipe that out asap. You could take out the rock and scrub it over your sink using a toothbrush. Toothbrushes are very popular in this hobby ;) You could also try to kill it as described above but since your tank is still relatively empty it might be easiest to take out the rock and manually remove it. You'll probably notice that it will shrink into a crevice in the rock so make sure you scrub the crevice clean. A quick rinse of the rock with fresh water to rinse the slimey aptasia off won't hurt anything or those polyps nearby. Just make sure you don't put the rock back in your tank without rinsing it off otherwise it will still spread. Also, never try to scrub off an aptasia in your tank becasue that will cause it to spread.
Welcome to the group and great job with minimizing dead spots on the bottom. The rockwork is nice and open. Also, watch those crabs. They often are not to be trusted.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, greatly appreciated. I am a complete beginner in all thise so all of your advice and opinions are honestly greatly appreciated. I do not want to mess anything up or kill anything off by dumb amateur mistakes. As of now, I have the 55g tank, a Cascade 1000 canister filter and a coralife lighting system with 3 modes/light setups. I will have a dual pack protin skimmer by the end of the week and my friend says that we can use that to make a small refuge in the middle. (I am still reading and learning about the refuge setup/system . I have been reading as much as I can and I am also wondering if I need an additional LED light setup, along with what I have, and also if I need to get a blower. I have noticed a couple of small flourescent pink maybe "Mushroom" looking things growing out of nowhere. I will post pics of those asap. Thanks again for being nice to a Newbie!