New to reefing!


New member
Hi all my name is erick and I just found this site... Been checking it out for the last couple days... So far I'm happy I found it! I have had my 35g RedSea Max 130d for the last year.. I got it from a co worker that upgraded to a bigger RedSea Max.. I have never kept a salt water tank but had a 55g fresh water tank... I started with zoas and mushrooms like a lot of people do but just recently I upgraded to a 165w led fixture and was finally able to try some sps.. All I buy now is sps love them! I have about 10 different sps frags nothing huge but some decent little guys... I have two clowns that each have hosted there own bubble tip anemones. I have a bi color blenny, a coral beauty, a harlequin shrimp, fire shrimp and a six line wrasse.. Hope to meet new people on here and learn to better my tank!

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Thanks guys! I think I'm already addicted to sps!!! lol
I had a couple pieces in my tank for a couple months that wouldn't grow. Then I got all my parameters in line and once they started growing I couldn't stop buying them

Very nice start! How long have you had it running? Welcome aboard, glad you found us. Plenty of info and people to help you learn more.
Yea I bought a acro before I had led's and it didn't do good.. Didn't know it was a sps the store let me buy it without asking but hay I learned... But now all my little frags are doing good so far! Growing tips but not encrusting yet.. Tank has been up and runing for 9 months... Looking to get a jabeo doser so I don't have to manually dose anymore.. But thanks guys! Hope to be able to come here and ask questions.. Only local shop that I have had a good experience with has been aquapros those guys take time to answer all my questions...and have awesome coral and prices!