New to the Chicago reefs


Hi all,

I was referred here by Tomek77pl.

I've been in the hobby for a long time about 18 years with freshwater and reefing combined. I've done freshwater stingrays, bred discus, african cichlids, FOWLR, Anemone tanks, softies and now I'm diving into a SPS tank. I was on The Reef Tank and Reef Central.

My Current reef tank (page 3 post 21)

120 Gallon Peninsula Tank
30 Gallon refugium
Reef Octopus Skimmer
Radion XR30W G4 Pro x2
Apex Fusion with ATK, WXM
GFO Reactor
Biopellet Reactor
carbon reactor
AF1 Super Feeder
Ehiem Compact 5000+ (return)
eshopps 5 gallon resevior

Live stock

2 Leopard Wrasses
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang
1 Swallow Tail Angel
1 Frostbite Clown
1 Misbar Black Ocellaris
1 Christmas Wrasse
1 Yellow Goby
1 Pistol shrimp


Elegance Coral
Variety of Monty
Variety of Birds nest
Some others I can't remember the names of

Future coral

1 bubble tip (debating for clowns)
1 maxima clam
maybe a few more sps if I see something I like

Turtle Tank (pictures start on post 15 on page 2)

80 gallon aquarium
30 gallon sump
rio return pump
carbon reactor
reef angel controller

1 Red Eared Slider
1 Yellow Bellied Slider
1 Slider I'm not sure of inherited one
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I'm going to try to get some pictures up today. Sorry for the late pictures. Wife and I had our baby girl born on the 17th and my main Apex EB832 went down 3 times (fuse on went on on the energy bar itself) while at the hospital dropping my tank temp to 70 all 3 time so I lost all my fish but 2 (Sailfin Tang and Christmas Wrasse survived.) to Velvet, Ich and who knows what else then had to fight a cyano bloom. All my corals survived.

I reconfigured my reef system which I'll explain when I get the pictures posted, i basically put a few more redundant systems in place.

I was able to beat the cyano in 5 days and keep it away. Still no trace of it in my tank.
I'm going to try to get some pictures up today. Sorry for the late pictures. Wife and I had our baby girl born on the 17th and my main Apex EB832 went down 3 times (fuse on went on on the energy bar itself) while at the hospital dropping my tank temp to 70 all 3 time so I lost all my fish but 2 (Sailfin Tang and Christmas Wrasse survived.) to Velvet, Ich and who knows what else then had to fight a cyano bloom. All my corals survived.

I reconfigured my reef system which I'll explain when I get the pictures posted, i basically put a few more redundant systems in place.

I was able to beat the cyano in 5 days and keep it away. Still no trace of it in my tank.

Congrats on the new baby!

Looking forward to the update and great to hear you beat cyno. It's still kicking my butt.