New to this site!

Looks good only way i ever was able to keep a nano tank looking good was break it down set back up let water clear take pics then break it down again lol they alot of work so hats off to u
Thanks all!
No sump, my parameters are all stable most of the time besides ph, that I constantly monitor, maybe do a 10% water change once a month. I have the bio cube protein skimmer, that drains over phosbond that drains over a mini refug then passes over chemipure blue, then at night my uv sterilizer kicks on. Plus a kessil 360ne, which will be moved over to a bigger tank eventually. Never had a crash and have had only bryopsis problems which I got from a frag, it's under control atm.

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Your Tank looks super healthy is that a war coral I see toward the bottom left? Picked up something very close to that from Aquapros a few months back.
Haven't spawned yet, but all the signs that they want to are there. She is in the clay pot all the time and is biting at it and is very territorial. The male goes in and out but stays on the outside of it. So I'm hopeful. The pot is newer, maybe a month ago I put it in.

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Yeah I'm excited, black ice and mocha. Be interesting. Just a waiting game at this point. If the clutch survives in the 5 gallon i'll probably be giving them away if they mature.

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