Newbie Starting with Zero Edge


New member

I'm a med student that just got into the hobby. I've been doing a lot of reading so far and am about ready to start a saltwater Zero Edge system that was passed down to me. It's the 33 gallon rectangle model. I have the salt, live sand, a skimmer, canister filter, light, and sump and am ready to go. Everything is assembled but nothing is hooked up. I was wondering if anyone in the Chicago area would be willing to help set this bad boy up. I can pay cash and would appreciate it greatly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I live on Pearson right by water tower place downtown. Thanks again.
What are you doing between 5-7? I can be there tonight. I am at Loyola on 25 E. Pearson right now (Law Student). No payment needed.

Otherwise next Tuesday from 2-7 or next Thursday at 2 (until whenever).
Where'd you get the "live" sand from?

Probably the proven by science and microscopic evaluation to be VERY full of live bacteria bagged live sand. Not sure though. I'm going over there at 5 to get him all set up! Hopefully I'll snap a few pics if its ok with him.
Welcome to CR!!

Hey Ted, I'm planning a 30G waterchange this weekend and I was hoping you would stop by and show my your technique while I watch..? All kidding aside, that's very cool of you to help setup the new tank!!
I know the power never goes out there but check valves fail.

Getting that taken care of :). The way the current system has it the return is VERY low. Going to add a "stand pipe" with some Loc Line so the water level is up high. The sump and everything was designed by Zero Edge, so it actually works together pretty well.

Just got back from his place. Got everything up and running with tap water for a leak test. He's going to get everything from Premium Aquatics and I'm going to go back Tuesday to set it up for real.

If anyone has a SRO1000SSS or Bubble Magus NAC6 for sale he will be looking for one shortly!
Thanks for all the warm welcomes! You guys knew better of course. Ted came over right away and got me wet tested and is currently assembling a list of equipment I need to get fully up and running. He's got a few videos on his phone I'm sure will be uploaded soon. And yeah if anyone else wants to come stop by I will for sure take care of parking (Eric). Thanks again everyone and Ted!
Just wanted to update everyone on Joey's tank. We got it all set up, connected to a reefkeeper lite, and stocked with liverock.

We are now just waiting on a new check valve, skimmer, and ATO equipment to come in to finish it up! I'm also going to modify the drain to quiet it down. ZeroEdge has it designed with a bioball tower but now that all the bioballs are removed it's very loud. Already have that in the works.




How big is the sump? Where you started that locline is low and not water tight I would expect it to slowly drain to the bottom of the locline with the power off. Are you keeping all that rock in there? I also wouldnt have the locline out of the top of the water on a zero edge. Sorry to sound negative Its a great looking tank.
Locline is just out the top until the check valve gets there for added safety. The sump is the full width of the sand from front to back and has plenty of room to drain back if the check valve ever fails. I added the standpipe to the return to ensure that :). The rock is staying as Joey and his Fiance did the scape and like it very much (looks amazing in person).

The plan is to be softy/LPS dominated with a clam or 2. The light can support anything on that tank, but he wants to keep it simple as far as dosing/etc is concerned so probably no SPS.
Awesome tank, and HUGE props to Ted for helping you guys get all set up! Can't wait to see it all stocked up and glowing under that awesome ATI fixture. I just hung my ATI fixture today after work as well. Definitely keep us updated, and of course....

:wel1: to ChicagoReefs!