

New member
Hi to everyone!! I found this site just surfing the net. I am from mo. All I hope u all don't mind. We have a 120 gal. Salt. My husband is retiring next month. I'm getting him a 300 gal. He's talked about non stop since we seen one in a fish store we go to. He does all the technical stuff. I do feeding , cleaning, and testing the water. I do have a major problem !! He can't get our nitrates below 100 he's been fighting it for months!! Everything else is fine. He has skimmer, ,bio pellets,protein skimmer,grown reacted,an algae scrubber !! He does constant water changes also. He is clueless what to do. I hope he doesn't get discouraged. I'm only feeding once a day now. Any ideas I really appreciate!!!!
Whats your bio load like. And besides all that equipment which is nice but whats your live rock and natural dinitrification like . Sump set up ? Filter socks live rock any uv sterilization if so how big there is a thing of to big kills all the good bacteria to again if u run one. Not enough live rock then not enough surface area for good bacteria . Is it reef or fish only any chemicals
It is the master test kit from Petco, can it be a bad test kit?? Wow that would be nice. What kind do you use?
Welcome to CR. Carbon dosing usually works on nitrates, how long have you been running BP's?
Yes he has all the things you ask. Trust me he has a nice sump ! He drilled a hole in my wall and took over my craft room for all of it!! Lol I really don't mind. We're 65. The fish are our babies!! Plus 3 big parrots. The fish we have are 3 tangs, 3 clowns,a cleaner shrimp, coral bañdet, my fire shrimp,my tuxedo urchin, 2 I forgot the ñame but they are BLk and white little eel looking. They are both about 6 ins. 3 little damsel s,2 sand sifting star fish. I have 2 emerald green crabs I can't find. And 2 big turbo snails, the fish are all doing great. The only coral we have left are mushrooms and a few hard corals. We have lost slot of our coral. Our salt tank is 2 yrs old. In last 3 months it's gone crazy!! We have all live rock. 2 yrs old. I have to clean glass every day now!¡any help we'd love!! Sorry so long.
Hello and welcome to the site. Glad to have you aboard. Like others have mentioned, tell us more about the set up....we'll help you figure it out.
Thanks I wrote that down. It is crazy. He makes sure everything is running right every day. It isn't bothering my fish but killing almost all our coral!!
Hello can start a new thread on the members reef tank with some pics so we can see it..maybe we can find out what is out of place.
More details would help.
How much rock (lbs), how much sand/rubble, how do you clean and how often do you clean your substrate (sand/rubble). How are you generating flow in the tank, how much flow? How often are you washing your filter socks? What was your feeding schedule, what were you feeding? Are you missing any fish? How big are the fish you mentioned?