Next Event.... what do you think?

Next Event.... what do you think?

  • A free event at a sponsor's business (similar to the holiday party)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A frag swap with a nominal entry fee (to cover costs)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I would like both Fragswap and sponsor event Party. The fee would be fine. and if there is a profit put it towards the next event. I don't play poker, so not up for that.
BBQ would be fun maybe a rib cook off as well.

Or how about a Chili Cook Off... Coral Prize for the hottest Chili and the best tasting Chili determined by votes of participants... Small entrance fee for the Chili and a small fee for participants to help pay for the prizes... Tie this to a swap... perhaps to a hosting LFS...
I like the idea of a cook-off. I do play poker, but a tournement and frag swap sounds like a ton of DOA. I also don't/won't have anything to trade (Still a collector), so LFS is nice.
A lot of groups do frag tourneys. They will be fine in a bag for several hours floating in a tank with a heater. Doesn't even need to be saltwater. Corals spend days in shipping bags just fine when you order online. A few hours is no problem.
oh ya.... hobbyist focused.

I think it would be fun to have one amongst ourselves. This doesn't necessarily need to be an entirely vendor focused event. If a vendor wants to set up a table, great, but I think there are enough folks here who would like the opportunity to thin out here tanks and pick up some stuff from other reefers.

As an example, I have a 20G long that I could bring to hold a dozen or so of my frags and still have plenty of room for other's to display their stuff in my tank. Obviously not everyone would have their own tanks so people could team up and share tanks. I'd be looking at it as a way to have a little fun, get a frag or 2 and hang out with some friends (and of course drink a beer or 2)

Perhaps we could raffle off a donated frag-pack (or something else) to cover the expenses of a location w/ some food & drink....just a thought.
we should also have where local breaders bring in their tank raised clownfishs/sea horses and other tank raised/and bred fish.. sorry i never been to a frag swap before..

They're a lot of fun. Most of the organized ones are really just a bunch of vendors selling their stuff all in one place with maybe a few local reefers, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I think this will be more of a good 'ol fashioned one with mostly local reefers "swappin" frags :)
I think this will be more of a good 'ol fashioned one with mostly local reefers "swappin" frags :)

Just how I picture a frag swap. Lots of people, lots of talking, a bit of haggling, a lot of frags, and a lot of laughter. :D

It's 20-19 with Frag Swap winning!
hold em would be pretty sweet any event would be pretty cool actually and one without free stuff I'd guess turn out wouldn't be nearly as big as holiday party but I could be wrong of anyone wants to get the frag tourney I'm in just hit me up