

New member
New to the hobby and new to the forum. I have a 55g I guess you would call a reef tank but I only have one coral so far. Fish in my tank include 4 stripe damsel, yellow tail damsel, True Percula Clown, and my prize a coral beauty.

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welcome to CR. If you've got a coral, is a reef tank :D

How long has your tank been setup? any more photos of it?
My tank has been up for 10 weeks on Friday. And I forgot to mention a cleaner shrimp of course named jacques.

More photos:
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I am in the middle of a small water change but I will post a photo of my tank once I am finished. I run my tank probably different than most as I do three to four five percent changes per week. I have people tell me that is too many changes that it can stress the fish but when I add the water back to the tank I take an hour or so by dripping the water back in similar to what you would do to acclimate a fish. The reason I do so many changes is one I have just added my coral beauty and she probably produces a bio load more than all of my other fish combined, two I don't add any supplements right now for my coral but water for water changes is made using reef crystals. Small and frequent water changes keep my calcium and magnesium levels up.
Thats what mine looked like, very simple.dont worry,once you hit the year mark, the tank will look nice, you will build up your rocks to aquascape, and there will be coral everywhere.I too started with damsels, indestructable .