Not so Jumpy, good docile fish.. help me pick one

These fish form territories, with males staying in about 1 square metre (11 sq ft) of their habitat while females range about one hundred times that area. They bob around in sea grass meadows, mangrove stands, and coral reefs where they adopt murky brown and gray patterns to camouflage themselves among the sea grass. During social moments or in unusual surroundings, seahorses turn bright colors.

Ya BAAM! lol stole that off google lol

Then it must be true! :D
You cannot keep seahorses with clowns, they will never get any food, they're slow eaters and could not compete w/clowns.
I prefer to run my tanks topless too. Opening and cleaning it all the time gets old and bothersome. If I were you I'd get me a pretty goby and maybe a blenny (I love their little faces, so expressive) and couple interesting shrimp. It's a very personal decision, you have to decide what you like, you are the one who's going to have to look at them day after day. :)
i have a 29 gallon tank and i have 2 O clowns and one yellow watchmen goby. the top of my tank is open and my clowns have never jumped out. the goby is always on the bottom of the tank in its little burrow it made. sometimes i see all three of them kinda chillin together ill try n get a pic of them like that :-) but i like the way the three bond they arent agressive, they get along and havnt had issues. im thinking of adding a pistol shrimp for the goby but well see how that goes.
You cannot keep seahorses with clowns, they will never get any food, they're slow eaters and could not compete w/clowns.
I prefer to run my tanks topless too. Opening and cleaning it all the time gets old and bothersome. If I were you I'd get me a pretty goby and maybe a blenny (I love their little faces, so expressive) and couple interesting shrimp. It's a very personal decision, you have to decide what you like, you are the one who's going to have to look at them day after day. :)

Sweet.. I am happy as I completely changed my rock-scape yesterday, and added a RBTA to the mix... Very excited with how the tank is looking now.. huge improvement!

I'll look for a Goby and see what I can come up with, but have always thought they are really cool.... lawnmower blenny looks neat as well..

Thanks guys, will add something today, depending on what I can find around here!
I decided to go with the Lawnmower Blenny... He's hanging out in the back of my tank perching himself on the live rock. His personality was absolutely awesome! He followed me across the tank as I made my way up the aisle of the LFS, so he was the lucky candidate!! Doing great so far, and my side tank wall is already cleaner from him.
Yea he is real neat.. Actually hides most of the time on the back of my main rock. Last night he was perching himself on the power head just being the king of the tank.

I love this guy! He has a face only a mother could love, or in this case a Father! hah.
Once I figure out how to take good pictures, I'll be sure to take pictures.. I just re-did the rock scape, so I am actually very excited as the coraline is starting to slowly engulf all of my rock :)

When it gets sexy, I will certainly start a thread... maybe I'll start a thread anyways, just for the hell of it...

As a teaser.. my Emerald Crab hanging on the side of the rock that my RBTA is perched on, pulling crab out of the sand...

Yea, picked it up with the really nice rock that it is on for $60! I also noticed, on the back-side of the rock, there is a coral growing... I have NO idea what it is, but when I figure out how to take pictures, or it gets bigger I will take a picture.. It has grown extensively in the last couple of days under the LEDs.

What should I be feeding this guy, chopped silversides? I have frozen cubes of Mysis, and Rod's food as well..... Does he like solid chunks of stuff?
You can feed anemones pieces of silversides, lance fish, whole mysis shrimp, the large chunks of meat from the Rod's food, whole pieces of krill, to name a few.

Just be careful not to over feed. If you over feed, the anemone can't digest it and regurgitates later, ending up with nothing to eat.
I will take it... Does it make sense to go out and buy a frozen package of mysis shrimp, or will it be enough to just melt a cube of the mysis shrimp, and turkey bast it to the 'nem?

To me, it makes more sense to use the silver sides as there will be less waste flying into the water... I usually feed the individual mysis shrimp to my acans, duncans, etc.
Take what?

Feeding a whole cube of mysis to an anemone is way to much food for one feeding. Just feed a few mysis.

The silversides is an excellent choice also. Anemones will eat a variety of food.
oh sorry, I have no clue why I wrote that....

Anyways, I thawed out a cube of mysis shrimp, and just grabbed little clumps with my feeding tweezers... I fed everyone!

The 'nem got the bigger clumps, and was rather happy to take the mysis with it's sticky tentacles.. It's happy now and digesting. My acans are absolute f'ing pigs and would eat all day if I fed them. Duncans are happy, and my torch finally decided to eat today.. Woohoo!