November 10th JARC Meeting (Black Rd. & Rt. 59 in Joliet, IL)


New member
The next meeting of the Joliet Area Reef Club (JARC) will be held next Saturday, November 10th at 6pm by Black Rd. & Rt. 59 in Joliet, IL at Heather & Brian's house. Please PM or email me for the address.
Everyone is welcome! Its free to attend.

We'll have lots of food including vegan options (menu still being planned), euchre, possibly Texas frag 'em, and great raffle prizes including an LED 28 gallon Biocube.
The Biocube will be the member only raffle and tickets will be $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00.

We will have a raffle where anyone can buy tickets and win, with nice prizes including gift certificates, t-shirts, supplements, and other prizes!
The more members that RSVP to be at the meeting, the more prizes will be added to the mix.
Buy one raffle ticket for $1 or 25 for $20.

Our new frag tank is underway & will hopefully be set up by the meeting.
BYOB!!! - but I'm sure Brian will have a few choice brews on tap and we just may have a bottle or two of wine available.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!!! Happy reefing!

Please RSVP to this thread if you can.

Thank you!
Chrissy aka britestar101
Joliet Area Reef Club
Events Chairperson

Boy they have really changed the 28g Biocubes huh.

Lol Nanocubes are really nice too. Great raffle prize!

Hoping I can make this as its 5 min from my house.