NWIMAC Frag Fest Sept 21st 2014

Getting an idea of number for this upcoming event

  • Yes I'm totally there!

    Votes: 21 48.8%
  • Depending on day and my plans, ill try to make it

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • Thanks, but sorry I won't be able to make it

    Votes: 5 11.6%

  • Total voters
Good news for this swap, your location is the same distance from CHICAGO as the ChicagoMAS swap.
I went to the swap in st Charles a few years ago. Made the trip from Japan. I know there will be a good crowd in the cmas event. And many will drive a good distance to go to that. And I hope people won't be afraid to travel to ours. The more people that go and help make this a big success then it will be easier to justify doing more of them. I have big hopes to rent larger venues for future swaps. At this location there is a 500-600 person venue calling my name for a swap :)
Searching on the map putting Chicago to st Charles is over an hour drive (I know Chicago is a large range to estimate from)
Chicago to portage, indiana 55 minutes. Near an hour but all expressway driving and the hall is like 2 minutes off the expressway.
Thanks to josh for changing the title to reflect the event name and date.
Remember all, mark your calendars!
I am working on lining up vendors and will start posting more info soon.
If your interested in securing a vendor table or a hobbiest table please send me a pm.
Ladies and gentlemen we have our first vendor to announce!

If your interested in items that RCA has and would like them to bring those items to the swap please contact them via pm, email, or you can even find them on Facebook.
We also have a confirmed hobbiest. He's known in the Chicagoland area as rich130981. He's best known for his zoanthid and bubble tip anemone collection. As he gets pictures of some items he will have I will post those here. If your wanting to get in touch with him to ask for more details about his stock you can email him at Richv@smdsi.com or also via pm.
We are figuring our vendor list and have openings. If you interested in joining our swap our vendor tables are $25 for a full table and $15 for a hobbiest half table. We are also asking that an item of your choosing be donated towards the raffle we will have.
Contact me via pm or through our club email at nwimac@gmail.com
Today we went to make a game plan at the hall and took pictures.
Here's the pics
This is looking at the full pic of the hall

Here is where we will have the entrance.

On the right side is where the entrance is and there will be two vendor tables here

Continuing moving left will be more vendors and on the dance floor we will have our Nwimac information table and merchandise.
We will also have the raffle table on the corner of the dance floor. We have more space on the dance flow of we need more vendor table space.

In this corner we will fit 3 hobbiest tables with room for 6 hobbiests.
And opposite will also be hobbiests 2 tables holding 4 total hobbiests.

Through the opening by the hobbiests area is the bar. We will have tables set up to sit, relax, and eat. We are lining up a group to come in to sell food which will also be in the bar area.

This picture is looking at the hall from the bar area.

The main entrance is up a flight up stairs but all vendors and hobbiests bringing supplies in will have an entrance area at ground level.
Hey guys, just wanted to give you a heads up that there is a very big show down in South Carolina on September 20th and most of the major vendors do that show every year. So it may be tough to get some of the big names back up to Indiana the next day. I know, I for sure would love to do a NWI show, but would not be able to as we will be down in SC. Just thought I would throw that out there, as I just found out about this show.
Today we yet again have another Chicago area hobbiest confirm a table at our swap. He goes by the screen name BigKev23. Kev's collection at the swap will include zoas and sps, and who knows what surprises he may have. He offered to get me pics to share soon.
First post has been updated. I will announce when updates are available then I will keep the first post updated. Also posted prices in first post.